Sunday, May 16, 2010

The problem with "Free Porn Blockers!"

I've been wanting to write this post for sometime now. Because I see a disturbing trend in this word "free!" Free is a word that is loosely thrown around the internet because they (internet companies and marketers...), know that we, (real people), like the word "free!" It gives us a tingly feeling all over.

The feeling that we got something for nothing. Well, I'm going to be the bearer of bad news people. Here it is: YOU CAN'T GET SOMETHING FOR NOTHING ON THE INTERNET! I hate to tell you this, but it's true!

The Internet is a billion dollar business! Some companies are more profitable than others, but overall it's still a billion dollar business. Companies that have no standard "brick and mortar" building are making MILLIONS! And one of the best ways to make money is to promise you, the little guy, the real person, the consumer, "free!"

Yeah, I know. I'm letting the cat out of the bag, so to speak! I'm telling you stuff that I shouldn't. In reality, I'm telling you stuff that you should have figured out by now! There are those that think that they can get something for nothing, and then there are those that think that they can "game the system." Well I've got a news flash for you. Unless you are a first rate hacker, you can forget about "gaming the system."

The internet is set up to make money. This is the only place where you can reach the ENTIRE world without leaving the comfort of your home. You can put up an update on Facebook in America, and your buddy in England can read it...INSTANTLY! But I digress. Let's get back to why we are here. Those so-called "Free Porn Blockers!"

If any of you have read my article,"The Free Porn Blocker - What It Won't Do!", I explain that these companies are looking for you to type in that word "free!" That means that you are open for business. That word free means that you will download almost anything to your computer in the hopes that you won't have to pay for it.

Well, my friend, in your desire to be frugal, you've just opened yourself AND your computer to a storm. Not only will you get the "free" download. You will also get "free" wallpaper. "Free" monitoring software that you know nothing about! This "free" software reports eveything that you type into your computer back to the company that you just downloaded from!

Oh and that so-called "free" software you downloaded? It might work on some things. It might block some porn. It might block some "file sharing websites!" But the things that it won't block will come right through! And when this happens you will go to the "free" software on your computer and the "free" software will tell you that in order for it to block those "other" attacks... you will have to pay a "small fee!"

Wow! What happenned? I thought it was free? Instead of going through all that, why don't you just go get a low cost porn blocker that will do the job from the beginning? A porn blocker that you can just set it and forget it! You go to the website. You pay a small fee to download it to your computer. You install it and set it up, and you forget it!

I know you want to be frugal and save money. But some things are worth paying for, and your kids innocence is one of them! There's nothing wrong with wanting to save a few bucks. But believe me when I tell you this: You get what you pay for on the internet!

Stop playing with your children's well-being! Go to! to get a real no-nonsense, low cost porn blocker that will do the job from the beginning!