Sunday, January 31, 2010

More Reasons For A Porn Blocker!

In my last post entitled,"Porn Blocker - Essential Software!?" I talked briefly about the "tactics" and tricks that the porn industry uses to get your child's eyes on their "product." Well, on top of all of the sneaky and underhanded things that they do, there is one more thing that you have to worry about. What is that you may ask? Spyware and Adware.

You'll notice that I mentioned one thing and there are actually two. Well the reason for this is because most of the time they come in the same package. Spyware and Adware. When you or your child knowingly or unknowingly clicks on a porn website, sometimes(not all the time...), this secret package is downloaded to your computer. Without your knowledge the spyware secretly logs and makes a list of every website that you visit after you visit theirs. This spyware works with the adware and they then begin the process of showing you "Ad"-vertisements of things that they think you will be interested in based on your browsing history.

So you see it's a two-pronged attack! The spyware "spys" and the adware "ad"-vertises to you in the form of those annoying "pop-ups!" Sometimes they pop-up even when you are not on the internet just to remind you that they are there!

This is just one more reason to have a porn blocker installed on your PC. Like I told you before, the porn industry is a business. And just like any other business on the Internet, they had to change and evolve to stay competitive. The above "spyware/adware" tactic is used by many website companies on the Internet. And this tactic does nothing but cost you more money in the long run. because you will have to spend it buying a spyware/adware remover.

So, if you have a porn blocker installed on your PC, it can actually save you more money! Do yourself a favor and get one. I recommend that you visit This software does everything that I mentioned in my post,"Best Porn Blockers..." and more. It's not expensive and when you visit the website you will see that it has some pretty impressive features! Go chsck it out. You won't be disappointed!

Friday, January 29, 2010

Porn Blocker...Essential Software!?

What's up people? I told you in this post that I would talk about some of the sneaky, underhanded things that the porn industry online is doing to get as many eyes on their websites as possible. Why are they doing this, you ask? I know it may sound sick, but after all, they are a business. And the aim of any business is to get as many customers as possible to make as much money as possible. It doesn't make it right, but it's true.

The pornography business is just like any other business out there if you look at it from the above perspective. They have a product, they market that product and they sell that product. In my previous post entitled: "Porn blocker Software!", I gave you a brief history lesson about how all this porn blocker stuff got started. Well, now that you know that it is your god given and law abiding right as a parent to stop porn BEFORE it gets to your kid's desktop, let me show you several more reasons to stop Internet porn.

I told you before that I would show you some of the so-called "tactics" that the porn industry is using to corrupt your children, and here are some of them:

1. Misspelled URL's - I know that some of you parents out there are Internet illiterate. So I'll spell it out for you.( Those of you that know this already, please bear with me!) A URL is the name of the website that your son or daughter types in to reach whatever website that they are trying to reach. The porn industry is very smart. They are dozens of variations of websites out there that thrive on people typing in the wrong URL! When that happens, you or your child will be directed to a porn website. Not exactly what you were looking for, is it?

2. Auto-Links within emails - Your child would get an unsuspecting email in his/her email box. Kid's are curious and sometimes it's not their fault. But, they could open that email and be directed to a porn website. That's why you need to instruct your children to NOT open emails from people that they don't know!

3. Misrepresented Links - Your child could be searching for something as innocent as "Pokemon" pictures on the Internet. If they come across a website that says "Pokeman" instead of "Pokemon", they could be unwillingly directed to a porn website!

So there you have it. Some of "tactics" that the porn industry is using to get your child's eyes on their "product!" According to them, you can't be mad. It's only business. Well, if you don't want their kind of "business" in your home, then your only course of action is to install a porn blocker.

A porn blocker is specially designed software that will block all porn from your computer. In my post entitled: "Best Porn Blockers!", I explained to you what the best porn blockers out there will do for you. This is great information for those of you on the fence about which porn blocker to get. I hope that the information in that post, on this blog will help you to make the right decision. But if you decide to go away from the porn blocker that I have recommended, that's okay to. Because no matter what porn blocker you decide to get, YOU HAVE TO GET SOMETHING!!!

As you can see from reading the above information, the pornography industry is doing everything in their power to get as many eyes as possible on their websites! Don't let your kids be the next pair of eyes!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Porn Blocker Software...

If you are looking for a quality porn blocker, then you have come to the right place. As a parent you want porn blocker software for your child but, you don't want to unnecessarily restrict the Internet from your child. As a consumer, you want the best porn blocker for your money. But you don't want to have to pay a monthly subscription.

If you are wondering: How did all this porn blocker stuff get started in the first place? Well, I have a little history lesson for you.

First of all, you must realize that pornography on the Internet is not a new phenomenon. It has been around for some time now. Back in 1996, the Congress of the United States sensing that pornography could get out of hand on the Internet, actually tried to do something about it.

See before the Internet if you wanted to see pornography, you either bought a VHS videotape or you went to where porn was! That was usually in a dank, dark theater, in a corner of town that no one visited. And everyone in town knew what went on there! But now with the Internet, the pornography industry no longer has to hide. They can come right into your house, via the Internet, right into your child's room! Right under your nose!

In 1996, Congress passed the Communications Decency Act(CDA). This Act was the United States first attempt to try to regulate and control pornography on the Internet. Before the ink was dry on the document, it was challenged by some civil liberties groups as being in violation of the First Amendment to Free Speech. They took their argument all the way to the Supreme Court, and they won. The Supreme Court agreed with them, and that, in my opinion opened the flood gates for Internet pornography.

These civil liberties groups also argued that the CDA did not give parents the right to decide for themselves what was objectionable for their own children. This decision was upheld in the Supreme Court because of a challenge in Philadelphia,PA called the Reno vs. American Civil Liberties Union. Because of this decision, two things happened:

1. Internet Pornography can run rampant.

2. You can protect your own children with porn blocker software.

So there you have it. Don't ever say that the government didn't try to look out for you. They tried back in 1996, but they had there hands tied. Now you, as the parent, have to do everything in your power to try to stop Internet pornography from corrupting your child.

In my next post, I will go over some of the sneaky, underhanded tactics that the porn industry is using to get you kids to be lifelong members. See you next time!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Best Porn Blockers...

Ok, let's get to it. Before you spend your hard-earned money on a porn blocker, make sure that it does everything that you want and need. You want to make sure that it does block porn but, you still want your children to be able to enjoy the Internet. I'll give you an example:

You want the software to block pornographic website and content, but you don't want it to block medical websites because the site may have a picture of the human body naked. What you want to do is strike a delicate balance between porn blocking and all out censorship.

Some of the porn blocking software out there is nothing more than a "content control software." What is content control software? Well, wikipedia describes it as censorware or web filtering software. This software was originally designed to "...prevent persons from viewing content which the computer's owner(s) or other authorities may consider objectionable." (You should read whole excerpt at to get a better understanding.)

So what is the difference between a porn blocker and content control software? The difference is that a porn blocker does just that, BLOCK PORN! It blocks pornography exclusively. Now some of you may say that it is the same thing as content control software, and in a way it is. But, content control software blocks porn, pictures of anatomy from a medical website. It blocks certain words, ALL images associated with the human body. In effect, it makes the Internet in your home comparable to the Internet in Cuba!

To get an even better understanding, let me tell you what the best porn blockers will and won't do:

The best porn blockers will not do any of the above. they will block porn, but will NOT block medical websites because they have a diagram of the male reproductive system.

The best porn blockers will not charge you every month for protection!

The best porn blockers will work on ANY browser.(Internet Explorer, Netscape, Firefox, etc...)

The best porn blockers will allow you to turn them ON or OFF.

These and other things are options that you, as a parent should be looking for in a porn blocker. If the software that you're looking at doesn't do some or all of these things, then maybe you should look elsewhere. Don't worry, I have a good place for you to start.

To find out more information and to look at software that does ALL OF THE ABOVE and more, please don't hesitate to visit:

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Porn Blockers...

This blog will be about porn blockers. In this age where damn near EVERYTHING is connected to the Internet, a porn blocker should be essential software. But it isn't. In my opinion, they should sell you porn blockers they way they sell you virus protection for your computer. It's just as bad.

Not only do you have to worry about seeing the porn websites "pop-up" all over your kid's desktop. If your children mistakenly opens an email that they don't recognize, they could unknowingly download spyware. This and many more "tricks of the trade" are the things that the porn industry is doing to try to get as many members as possible. And I said it before and I will say it again, THEY DON'T CARE HOW OLD THOSE MEMBERS ARE!

To the porn industry, it's all business. To them, they provide a service that many businesses don't want to touch. There are now more than 4 million pornography websites out there...and counting. All of these websites are competing for the same pair of eyes and money. All of these websites are using the same underhanded "tactics" to get those eyes and dollars. In this blog I will give you some information on the pornography industry, it's history and the tactics that they use to get your children to view its sites. Stay tuned.

To find out more information and to check out what I think is one of the best porn blockers out there, please don't hesitate to visit: