Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Porn Blockers...

This blog will be about porn blockers. In this age where damn near EVERYTHING is connected to the Internet, a porn blocker should be essential software. But it isn't. In my opinion, they should sell you porn blockers they way they sell you virus protection for your computer. It's just as bad.

Not only do you have to worry about seeing the porn websites "pop-up" all over your kid's desktop. If your children mistakenly opens an email that they don't recognize, they could unknowingly download spyware. This and many more "tricks of the trade" are the things that the porn industry is doing to try to get as many members as possible. And I said it before and I will say it again, THEY DON'T CARE HOW OLD THOSE MEMBERS ARE!

To the porn industry, it's all business. To them, they provide a service that many businesses don't want to touch. There are now more than 4 million pornography websites out there...and counting. All of these websites are competing for the same pair of eyes and money. All of these websites are using the same underhanded "tactics" to get those eyes and dollars. In this blog I will give you some information on the pornography industry, it's history and the tactics that they use to get your children to view its sites. Stay tuned.

To find out more information and to check out what I think is one of the best porn blockers out there, please don't hesitate to visit: http://pornblock.info.

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