Friday, January 29, 2010

Porn Blocker...Essential Software!?

What's up people? I told you in this post that I would talk about some of the sneaky, underhanded things that the porn industry online is doing to get as many eyes on their websites as possible. Why are they doing this, you ask? I know it may sound sick, but after all, they are a business. And the aim of any business is to get as many customers as possible to make as much money as possible. It doesn't make it right, but it's true.

The pornography business is just like any other business out there if you look at it from the above perspective. They have a product, they market that product and they sell that product. In my previous post entitled: "Porn blocker Software!", I gave you a brief history lesson about how all this porn blocker stuff got started. Well, now that you know that it is your god given and law abiding right as a parent to stop porn BEFORE it gets to your kid's desktop, let me show you several more reasons to stop Internet porn.

I told you before that I would show you some of the so-called "tactics" that the porn industry is using to corrupt your children, and here are some of them:

1. Misspelled URL's - I know that some of you parents out there are Internet illiterate. So I'll spell it out for you.( Those of you that know this already, please bear with me!) A URL is the name of the website that your son or daughter types in to reach whatever website that they are trying to reach. The porn industry is very smart. They are dozens of variations of websites out there that thrive on people typing in the wrong URL! When that happens, you or your child will be directed to a porn website. Not exactly what you were looking for, is it?

2. Auto-Links within emails - Your child would get an unsuspecting email in his/her email box. Kid's are curious and sometimes it's not their fault. But, they could open that email and be directed to a porn website. That's why you need to instruct your children to NOT open emails from people that they don't know!

3. Misrepresented Links - Your child could be searching for something as innocent as "Pokemon" pictures on the Internet. If they come across a website that says "Pokeman" instead of "Pokemon", they could be unwillingly directed to a porn website!

So there you have it. Some of "tactics" that the porn industry is using to get your child's eyes on their "product!" According to them, you can't be mad. It's only business. Well, if you don't want their kind of "business" in your home, then your only course of action is to install a porn blocker.

A porn blocker is specially designed software that will block all porn from your computer. In my post entitled: "Best Porn Blockers!", I explained to you what the best porn blockers out there will do for you. This is great information for those of you on the fence about which porn blocker to get. I hope that the information in that post, on this blog will help you to make the right decision. But if you decide to go away from the porn blocker that I have recommended, that's okay to. Because no matter what porn blocker you decide to get, YOU HAVE TO GET SOMETHING!!!

As you can see from reading the above information, the pornography industry is doing everything in their power to get as many eyes as possible on their websites! Don't let your kids be the next pair of eyes!

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