Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Best Porn Blockers...

Ok, let's get to it. Before you spend your hard-earned money on a porn blocker, make sure that it does everything that you want and need. You want to make sure that it does block porn but, you still want your children to be able to enjoy the Internet. I'll give you an example:

You want the software to block pornographic website and content, but you don't want it to block medical websites because the site may have a picture of the human body naked. What you want to do is strike a delicate balance between porn blocking and all out censorship.

Some of the porn blocking software out there is nothing more than a "content control software." What is content control software? Well, wikipedia describes it as censorware or web filtering software. This software was originally designed to "...prevent persons from viewing content which the computer's owner(s) or other authorities may consider objectionable." (You should read whole excerpt at to get a better understanding.)

So what is the difference between a porn blocker and content control software? The difference is that a porn blocker does just that, BLOCK PORN! It blocks pornography exclusively. Now some of you may say that it is the same thing as content control software, and in a way it is. But, content control software blocks porn, pictures of anatomy from a medical website. It blocks certain words, ALL images associated with the human body. In effect, it makes the Internet in your home comparable to the Internet in Cuba!

To get an even better understanding, let me tell you what the best porn blockers will and won't do:

The best porn blockers will not do any of the above. they will block porn, but will NOT block medical websites because they have a diagram of the male reproductive system.

The best porn blockers will not charge you every month for protection!

The best porn blockers will work on ANY browser.(Internet Explorer, Netscape, Firefox, etc...)

The best porn blockers will allow you to turn them ON or OFF.

These and other things are options that you, as a parent should be looking for in a porn blocker. If the software that you're looking at doesn't do some or all of these things, then maybe you should look elsewhere. Don't worry, I have a good place for you to start.

To find out more information and to look at software that does ALL OF THE ABOVE and more, please don't hesitate to visit:

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